(urth) What does Horn look like?

James Wynn thewynns at earthlink.net
Sat Oct 2 17:39:00 PDT 2004

I got the idea while reading "The Book of the Short Sun" that Horn was 
(originally) balding. Is this accurate?

The cover of "On Blue's Waters" shows a Horn looking quite young, with lots 
of hair and a beard. He looks like Richard Chamberlain in "Shogun".

The cover of "In Green's Jungles" shows a Horn walking with a the Neighbor 
after he lands on Green. He has long white hair and is balding. This was my 
understanding of the way Horn looked.

The cover of "Return to the Whorl" shows the exact same character on the 
Whorl talking to the godling. Of course, this character *should* have looked 
like Silk.

So what's going on here. The covers of these books are unimpressive enough 
that they could have at least been *accurate* to the story.

So... what does Horn actually look like? What does Silk look like?

~ Crush 

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