(urth) silk horn

Seth Lombardi sethlombardi at hotmail.com
Thu Dec 9 13:09:46 PST 2004

>A complex view of Severian/Thecla would say that Sev's body actually 
>combines both identities, Severian and Thecla, sometimes acting as one, the 
>other, or a combination of the two. From this view you can either argue 
>that both Severian and Thecla's souls are present, *or* alternately that 
>they have become a single entity that is neither Severian nor Thecla but a 
>sort of Theclaverian.

It probably means I'm a geek, but I snickered so loud in my amusement at 
"Theclaverian" that I garnered strange looks in the library.

Carry on!

Seth Lombardi
sethlombardi at hotmail.com
sethopopotropolis: http://pages.prodigy.net/nlom/blogg.html
AIM: melombardi
"Two faces are alike; neither is funny by itself, but side by side their 
likeness makes us laugh" -Pascal

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