(urth) genderlessness

James Wynn thewynns at earthlink.net
Wed Dec 1 07:31:42 PST 2004

>unfortunately, none of the URTH works with which i am familiar deals
>with the subject of gender/sex in any way that is not standard trope
> (i.e. dorcas).

Well, I don't believe that in the case of "The Long Sun" (albeit I admit I'm
something of an ideological hermit on this count). But if you chose to adopt
my radical (but true) viewpoint, then perhaps it could improve your
enjoyment of the novel.

I say Incus is a woman passing as an augur, Chenille is a clone of Tussah
derived from only his X chromosome, and Hyacinth is not a woman except in
her soul (although I can't decide from my 4 or 5 available choices exactly
*what* she is).

~ Crush

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