(urth) WindyCon 35

Nigel Price nigelaprice at talktalk.net
Tue Oct 28 04:11:56 PDT 2008

Nutria asked about the Gene Wolfe sessions at WindyCon:

>>Are these sessions recorded? Can one obtain a hear?

And Matt replied:

>>I don't think they've happened yet.
>>Checked the WindyCon website - the post-historic warfare
>>panel is at noon on Nov. 15?

That's right. Wolfe is due to take part in the session on "Child Soldiers"
at 4pm on Friday 14 November and then, as noted, in the "Post-Historic
Warfare" session at noon on Saturday 15 November.

I don't know what arrangements, if any, the convention organisers are making
to record or video panels. I'll try and find out. I was planning to take
along a mini-disk recorder, though, and make audio recordings of the
sessions with a view to putting either transcripts or MP3 recordings up on
Ultan's Library. Permissions may be an issue, but I hope that that will be
straightforward, at least for the Saturday session.

I'll be sure to let you know how it goes!


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