(urth) Close Reading: Torturer Chapter I

Sarah Dorrance-Minch isobelwren at yahoo.com
Thu Sep 7 19:46:47 PDT 2006

Dan'l Danehy-Oakes <danldo at gmail.com> wrote:    Actually, I'm pretty sure that Severian is Captain of Apprentices
for only one year; if I'm right, we'll come to the appropriate reference
as we go through the book. And he has very little to "master" as
captain -- he finds his work that year very light.

  I can't help but wonder why Severian was called in to assist with the Revolutionary given his pre-existing relationship with Thecla, which even were it not intimate was certainly close enough to create a clear conflict of interest in the client/torturer relationship. Which surely the masters of the guild would have known. So, was somebody paid off? Or did one of Severian's masters have a hidden reason for wanting to tempt Severian to do something that would get him kicked out of the guild?

Sarah Dorrance-Minch
(in SCA, THL Isobel Wren, called "Midori")

Mother to Sophie (10/28/02) and Liesl (5/17/04); 
militant lactivist cult member

In a dark time, the eye begins to see
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