(urth) Close reading: Torturer chapter I

Tony Ellis tonyellis69 at btopenworld.com
Tue Sep 5 11:03:59 PDT 2006

bsharp wrote:
>I'd like to ask why Severian and companions were trying to get into the

>graveyard at night, do we know?  Eata was trying to slip through the
>and they seem afraid the guard will return. Yet Severian notes a path
>the gate they had used to return to the Citadel in previous visits.

They're just returning to the Citadel after swimming in Gyoll - perhaps
later than usual because Severian almost drowned. And they *want* the
guard to return - he was supposed to let them in. That much we're told
in the chapter.

The implication is that the guard has been bribed to make himself scarce
by Vodalus and co. I have it in my head that we're told this somewhere,
but that could be my imagination.

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